Our services and technical background
Purchase of materials
All the metals except for the iron and its alloys are classified as non-ferrous metals. SAKER spol. s r.o. deals with the purchase and processing of the most common alloys in the market.
- Pieced copper | Copper chips | Copper wires
- Bronze CuSn5-8 in sheets | Red bronze – pieces, chips | Aluminium bronze – pieces, chips
- Pieced brass | Brass chips | Brass in radiators
- Aluminium wire | Aluminium sheet | Aluminium alusheets – offsets | Aluminium profile AlMgSi0,5 | Isoprofile (aluminium with PVC) | ALMG 2-5
- Cast aluminium | Aluminium chips | Aluminium slag
- Lead
- Zinc
- Tin
- Stainless steel materials
- Copper and aluminium cables
- AlFe ropes
In the processing and recycling of the materials we use the following technological procedures:

done on the sorting lines in the standardized categories

Material modification
burning by means of plasma burners or shearing by means of hydraulic shears – the processed materials are modified to the required sizes according to the metallurgical standards

shearing of materials according to the metallurgical standards

Cumberstone and large materials such as the sheets and profiles are modified on the packeting presses. The main reason of this operation is easier transport, economical storage and compaction lowering the materials burnout in the furnaces.
Chemical analysis and safety
The laboratory executes thorough quality control and check of composition of the purchased and expedited material. To find out the chemical composition we use the manual roentgen analyser as well as fixed laboratory spectrometer.
In the laboratory we can verify the chemical composition of the processed materials, including the issuing of the composition protocols. Due to the quality and safety requirements, radiation control is done for the processed materials.
Vzhledem k požadavkům na jakost a bezpečnost se u zpracovávaných materiálů provádí kontrola radiace.
Technical background

Container service
Obchodním partnerům poskytujeme zdarma svozový kontejnerový servis. Vlastníme více než 300 kontejnerů, přepravní bedny různých velikostí. Samozřejmostí jsou speciální ekologické kontejnery, včetně kontejnerů zakrytovaných.

Automobile transport
We are operating our own automobile transport with 30 various types of vehicles, including the hydraulic arm vehicles.

Containers repairs
We have our own locksmith workshop where we make repairs and modification of our transport containers and boxes

Vehicle repairs
We are making repairs on our own vehicles and fork-lift trucks.

Fuel stations
In the area of the vehicle transport, we operate our own fuel station serving also for the needs of the surrounding companies and contractual transporters.